June update for our gorgeous little china doll Hannah

Name: Hannah Gender: F
Birthday: January, 2010
Special Need: Heart Defect, Pierre Robin Syndrome, Malnutrition
Admission Date: 5/14/2010
Admission Weight: 4.3 kg Current Weight: 5.4 kg
Report: At her mid-month visit in June, Heartbridge Manager Cindy found that
Hannah had gained weight since her last visit. “I can see her cheeks are more filled up
now.” I am really anxious to get our month-end update from Mona so I can see just how
much weight Hannah has gained…I am amazed by how much better she looks!
(At the end of the month I found out that she had gained a pound and three-quarters!)
After a bath and some formula, Hannah could barely stay awake to finish her bottle.
Cindy says that Hannah has to suck so hard, her lower lip almost completely disappears
when she takes a bottle.

Backing up just a tiny bit, there is a small “bonus” to our June updates:
Executive Director Amy Eldridge, Director of Operations Paige Mills-Haag, and
Administration Director Sheri Russon all visited Heartbridge on June 8th. Amy noted that
Hannah is “SOOOOO tiny” and also how her eyes followed them all around the room. It
was wonderful to hear once again how well all the children are doing!

At the end of the month, nurse Mona reported that Hannah had a great month. She gets
an adequate amount of sleep, and everyone was happy to see she gained nearly a full
kilo. It is quite a job, but Hannah’s nanny manages to get it about 200 ml (or 6-3/4
ounces) of formula at each feeding. Mona also tells us that Hannah had her Hepatitis B
vaccination this month.

From Mona: “At five months, Hannah smiles, grabs objects and plays with her hands. She
can roll over and creep but cannot return to the supine position. She doesn’t like to lie on
the mat, but she does enjoy lying on the rocker as shown on the photo. She rocks herself by raising her right leg up and down. Hannah is lovely and she’s very easy to care for.”
We would still like to see Hannah become a little stronger before having her heart
surgery, but she has truly made amazing progress since her arrival on May 14th. It
shouldn’t be too much longer, and then after she has healed from surgery, we can
have her lip repaired as well.
Thank you so much to everyone that donated, for giving Hannah this chance for health and happiness. We can’t wait to see what the future holds for this precious little girl!
I hope it is not too long into the future that we get an update that says Hannah has found a loving home!
you know when you donate money you feel good. It feels awesome inside to help people. But this is the first time that I have felt beyond awesome. you girls are amazing to do what you have done for all of these children. I am proud! The emotions I feel are intense. I cannot imagine how this trip felt for you both. I feel honored to even have helped these beautiful children.
I cannot wait to see her new beautiful smile and to know Hannah can suck a bottle with ease.
thank you both for opening my eyes to see what a little money can do for someone else's life.
Hayley, there is no need to thank us at all! It was such a pleasure to visit these children. We wouldn't have been able to do it without the support of all you donators out there! So thank YOU!
It has made Jac and I both realise how much we want to help in orphanages when we move to Bali.
It was always my mums dream to help others in need in poorer countries (which is why she became a nurse) but my dad came along and then me so stopped her in her tracks, i really feel this trip has made me know that i HAVE to do something, hopefully i can fulfill my mums dream for her while doing it!
What a Gorgeous little girl!
how Lovely that you guys went over there and visited these children..
Kudos to you guys xxx
Le deseo a esta muñeca mucha felicidad, mucha salud y mucha energía positiva desde Santiago de Compostela, España.
Un beso muy fuerte.
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